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All the Glitters R Not Gold free essay sample

Every one of that sparkles isn't gold Ambanis and Mittals are no Buffetts and Gates. Be that as it may, we can’t censure them for...

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Homosexual Parents: The Ongoing Struggle For A Family Essay -- gay marr

The Ongoing Struggle for a Family "The most important thing in a family is that all the people in it love each other.† This excerpt is from a children’s book, written by Leslea Newman, Called â€Å"Heather Has Two Mommies.† This story is intended to show kids that not everyone’s family is the same. Many reasons are given to dispute gay and lesbian parenting but all founded on some of the archaic beliefs that Hitler used to kill homosexuals during W.W.II, fear and prejudice! Although having children and being parents seems like a basic human right or choice, many people believe that the government should have the authority to discriminate who can are cannot have children, regardless of their parenting skills. Some say that it is unnatural for gay and lesbians to have children because they have to go to such extremes to have them (Oppos ..199). It is kind of ironic because it has become mainstream for heterosexual couples that are determined infertile to use artificial insemination, adoption, and even invitro-fertilization, and when one of these procedures is successful the couple is said to have had a miracle, while the gay or lesbian couple is said to be fanatical. Lesbian couples may use sperm banks, or they may become coparents with a gay couple that also wishes to have children. In these cases the child has 4 loving and nurturing parents instead of the standard 2. Another opposing view is...

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